Monday, May 5, 2008

In Addendum

Ok, so anybody can list 100 things about themselves, right? I'm going to do better. Here's 50 more things about me (if you can stand to know that much about me...):

101. I am no longer giving up carbonated beverages.
102. I have been known to pull off some pretty good pranks.
103. My impractical dream car is a Jeep Unlimited.
104. I have read 16 books since Spring Break.
105. I used to be a CNN junkie.
106. The Shawshank Redemption is one of my favorite movies of all time.
107. I also love movies about historical events (war movies, sports triumphs, etc.)
108. I have never seen "It's a Wonderful Life."
109. Not a big Princess Bride fan.
110. I skipped class a lot my junior and senior years of high school.
111. I skipped class a lot my freshman year of college.
112. Then I got my grades.
113. Then I started going to class.
114. I sang "Gangsta's Paradise" at Karaoke Night with Adcox.
115. When I was pregnant I threw up in the middle of the street in NYC. People thought I was drunk.
116. When I was test-driving the van I have now, I hit a squirrel. The salesman was in the car.
117. So I thought I should buy it.
118. Bad decision.
119. The most famous "Pam picture" involves me sucking a nutcracker's nose when I was about 1 year old.
120. I went to Vegas with my mom and left with a tattoo.
121. My nicknames from various stages of life: Princess Pam, Slammin' Pam, PJ, Pork Head Pumpkin Pea Chop (Thanks, Dad), Flash, Pammy, Babe.
122. Todd and I went to see one of the newer Star Wars movies in NYC and ended up seated by lesbians who made out the whole time. Yuck.
123. I lived in Florida and never went to Disney World.
124. I never lived in California, but I've been to Disney Land several times.
125. I once crossed a waist-high creek when it was 30 degrees and snowing while I was backpacking through the woods in Arkansas.
126. I froze for the rest of the night.
127. I have fallen in the baptistry at our church.
128. Every bone in both of my legs are misaligned. To correct the problem, I'd have to have "total leg replacement" surgery. No, thanks.
129. My ancestry has been traced back to Julius Caesar on my Dad's side of the family.
130. I'm also related to the guy who shot John Wilkes Booth.
131. I accidentally set fire to my house in Alaska.
132. I love green olives on just about anything.
133. We lived next to Men In Black headquarters in NYC.
134. I saw Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler at a Yankees baseball game.
135. Somebody at a Yankees game asked me if I was from Norman because they recognized my "Mont" t-shirt.
136. Fox Sports took me out to eat at a steakhouse where a big mobster was murdered.
137. I want a Husky with one brown eye and one blue eye.
138. I think cats are a little freaky.
139. I am a professional Wii bowler.
140. I hate mushrooms.
141. Todd and I accounted for a combined 4 accidents in a 3 month span last year. None were our fault.
142. I once singed a small chunk of my hair off because I was blow drying my hair when lighting struck nearby, causing an electrical surge.
143. I have a weird thing about meat. Sometimes I can't eat it. It's totally a texture thing.
144. I owned a pair of purple suede shoes when I was in the 7th grade.
145. I won an archery competition at my school in the 8th grade.
146. I want to take up an adventure sport like 4-wheeling, dirt biking, or jet skiing.
147. I used to be on a stretcher team for OU football games.
148. For prom, my date and I went as a "Bond" couple. My Bond girl name was "Pam Straps" because I wore a strappy dress.
149. I was dating Todd at the time, but he wasn't my prom date.
150. ONE of the items on this list is not true. Can you guess which one???


Gabe said...

They're all not make stuff up all the time. Remember that bird hitting you in the face? C'mon...for real.

Mel said...

ok so I just left a comment but something happened to it - so anyway...You sure do like to brag about your life - hehehee 150 that is awesome. I would have no idea which was not true - I am going to guess #149. So you think you are good at this, the question is..... Can you get to 200?

Michelle said...

I'm going with #120. Either I have forgotten, or I didn't know you had a tattoo. Where? Of what? I'm guessing a big snake across your back. Or Todd's name in an unmentionable place.

I'm with Mel- Try to get to 200. I've learned so much about you. This is fun. I don't think I'm interesting enough to come up with 100. Pretty dull and boring. Especially compared to you and your life!

Jeremy Kenney said...

150 is weak 151 rocks!