Saturday, October 13, 2007


Yesterday Payt had a tonsillectomy and adnoidectomy. Here was my sweet, brave boy just before surgery. What a trooper! Surgery went well... doc came out and said his tonsils were huge and adnoids were so big they were blocking 75% of his nasal passage. They told us he would probably throw up once after the surgery because of the junk that runs down to their tummies during surgery. Well, at 7 pm and at least 6 changes of clothes later, the on-call doctor called in some nausea meds for poor Payt. Happy to report he has not thrown up since and he is in a happy drug-induced nap as we speak.

On another note, Luke had another soccer game this morning. He did great! He scored one goal all by himself, and then he and another teammate, Joel, kicked the ball at the same time for another goal. He did such a great job at keeping his hands to himself and playing hard that he got to go have a special lunch at Red Lobster after the game (is it bad to bribe your kid like that???). Ahhhh.... these are the days...


gary said...

We're glad to hear Payt's surgery went well and he is doing better.

Last year sports induced bribery cost us a Mohawk haircut and a 17" lcd tv. Right or Wrong, we have got to work on being better negotiators this year.

Pam said...

It's crazy, isn't it? Those kids know how to work us! So, if I refuse to lead LG, will you bribe me by buying me a tv? It doesn't have to be big. But it does have to be flat panel.

Mel said...

Hey Pam, just thought I would let you know I have been reading your blog. I check them every day or so, which I find crazy. I don't know at what point it is called "addiction" - hehehehe I agree w/ you though we don't have time to sit and talk about our day to day lives, so this is nice.