So, life has been a little crazy lately. I've had very little time to sit down and come up with a meaningful post. So, here's a collection of randomness about my life right now.
-I love that I can let my kids play in the back yard by themselves now. Sayonara kids, I've got TV to watch! (Just kidding! Well, a little.)
-If you leave Halloween candy sitting on the counter, I will eat it.
-OU Men's Basketball rocks. Season tickets rock. Sweet old people behind us rock. Crazy little girl in cheerleader outfit across the aisle does not rock.
-Christmas is coming soon. I have 7 Christmas parties to attend this year (so far). I love Christmas and I love parties.
-My hair bothers me. One day good, next day bad.
-I'm good at figuring out people's secrets. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
-I like to knit. There. I said it. I can't make anything other than hats and scarves, but I like to do it. I aspire to knit like Mitzi. I know, I'm a dork.
-It's nearly 80 degrees and it is November. It's just plain wrong.
-I have been married for almost 9 years now. Awesome!
-Life is going by crazy fast. Luke is almost 5, and Payt is almost 3. in some ways it downs't seem possible, in other ways I can hardly remember life without them (no, it's not old age).
-I hate whining.
And on that note, Payt is crying, I must go.