Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Frenzy

Life never seems to slow down. Every night the past couple of weeks has been filled with something. I'm gone a lot, then I get home and try to wind down from whatever I was just doing, then before I know it, it's after midnight before I get to bed. And I'm up early again the next morning getting kids off to school and either working or running errands.

The past two weeks we've been involved with the interview process of trying to select a new campus minister at our church. Todd and I are a part of the Campus Support Team, so we have been involved with the campus quite a bit over the last year especially. I've really enjoyed getting to know two candidates and I'm excited about meeting another in a few weeks. I have to say, though, it's a very stressful process. Here we're taking 3 wonderful guys and picking them apart to decide who will be the best fit. Ultimately what matters the most is not how wonderful they are personally, but how wonderful they are for this particular ministry. Sometimes it's a hard thing to differentiate and I know we've got a tough decision ahead of us.

At any rate, I know you won't feel too sorry for me with my busy life as I am getting ready to head off to Mexico. Todd's parents will be here tomorrow because they will be staying with the kiddos while we go on our vacation. Meanwhile, it's 10:30 and I'm typing this instead of cleaning my filfthy house because I'm just too tired to get up. Plus, my feet hurt because I wore some new shoes today, which were totally cute, by the way, but since it's the first time I wore them, they made my feet hurt a little. I guess that's the price I pay for good fashion. :)


Unknown said...

I can completely relate...except of course for the new shoe part...oh and the Mexico part. Have fun!!

Jeremy Kenney said...
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Jeremy Kenney said...

Yep I noticed those shoes I am a total girl that way! I am proud of it!

Michelle said...

Painful shoes are totally worth it if they are cute. Russ gets on to me all of the time for wearing "bad shoes". But most of the time, I try to ignore him. Have a great vacation! Take lots of pictures! :)

Mel said...

I bet you can't wait to relax and have fun in Mexico....and about the new shoes, I don't think I could do it, even if they were cute....but I'm not really into cute shoes hehehe.