Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

I have had one crazy week so far... I've been completely stressed about directing VBS, but I've made it through the hard part and I've actually been enjoying it for the past two days. Working with little kids is definitely not my gift, but I think it's turned out okay. I celebrated my 29th birthday today. The day has actually been really great thanks to a lot of caring friends and family. I was showered with goodies at VBS (muffins, doughnuts, cupcakes, candy, caramel frappuccino, watermelon) , not to mention a beautiful bouquet of roses (thanks Jennifer and Kathryn!). Everyone even sang "Happy Birthday" to me during the opening of VBS this morning. All day long the kids were wishing me a happy day and giving lots of hugs. This is the reward for a lot of stress leading up to VBS! I went to the parking lot after it was over and my car had been decorated with fun sayings, my favorite of which was "30 is the new 20" (even though I'm ONLY 29 people!!!).

I took a little time to relax at home, then went to dinner with Todd, the boys, and my mom and dad at Saltgrass (yummy!). I came home to a scavenger hunt for my birthday present. Eventually, it led to a new Wii Fit!!! It is AWESOME! I just spent the last 45 minutes or so playing on it. Love it!

Thanks for a great day everybody! Tomorrow it's Todd's turn!


Lori said...

Glad you had such a great day! Happy Birthday!

not so zen momma said...

Happy Birthday. I heart Saltgrass too.

I am sure there is going to be another post about the Wii Fit! I can't wait to hear your thoughts. Are you feeling the burn?