Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wii Fit

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I got the hard-to-come-by Wii Fit for my birthday. Let me just tell you, I'm diggin' it! When you first start, you have to do a "Fit Test." This incorporates your age, height, weight, BMI, and a balance test. I did one, then Todd did one. I'm proud to say that my Wii Fit age is 32 (remember I'm 29) and Todd's was 40! Crazy, I know. Then I put Luke on it and his Wii Fit age was a whopping 30! I think now that he knows what he's supposed to do, his age will come way down, but it was pretty funny.

So, the games are pretty cool. I like the slalom skiing. Other favorites are ski jumping, hula hooping, balance boards, and soccer heading. Oh yeah, the step aerobics is kind of fun, too. I haven't tried the yoga yet, or much of the strength training stuff, but so far this game rocks! Nothing like working up a sweat playing video games (yes, you really do sweat... especially if you do the running)! Don't be fooled, though, this game is serious about your fitness. It will actually get on to you if you skip days... and nobody wants to get told off by their video game. ;)

Moral of the story: I recommend the Wii Fit- it's worth the trouble of getting it.


Mandy said...

Wow!! That sounds fun. Although it would be harsh to get into trouble by your video game....good luck with that!!!

Jeana said...

My sister has a Wii Fit and everytime I go over to her house we play, it's the most fun thing ever...I love it! My fav is the hula niece actually rocks the hula hooping which is hilarious because she's much fun!!