Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten!

My baby (one of them, anyway) started Kindergarten today. He was so excited to go to school. Payt and I took him this morning and we left him smiling and happy with his new teacher... he hardly even said good bye! It was great, though, and made me feel good. I thought I was actually going to get through the day without crying... then it happened. Payt and I were in the car on the way to the church and Payt was being vey quiet. Then he spoke up in a very sad voice and said, "Mom, I'm gonna miss Bubba." I lost it. Quietly. It took about 15 minutes to gather myself, but then I was okay. Kindergarten means a lot of changes for our daily routines, but it's a good thing. He's ready to learn more and do more and he's really excited about going back again tomorrow. He said he made lots of friends today and really liked his new teacher.

My little Luke isn't so little anymore, but I'm loving watching him grow and change and I'm having so much fun with him. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful little family who I love so much!