Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Where Has the Summer Gone???

It seems like just a few short weeks ago "summer" began. Now my baby starts Kindergarten next week. Where has the summer gone? I guess between one long trip to Indiana/Arkansas, a weekend in Plano, VBS, birthdays, days at the lake, the summer has flown by. It's been great, don't get me wrong, but now I'm trying to face the reality of sending Luke to full-day Kindergarten. So many things to consider... will he take his lunch, or buy it in the cafeteria, will he ride the bus (this has been a big issue in my house... I don't want him to, but Todd insists... we'll see...), whose class will he be in, and what friends will be in the class with him??? I guess I'll find out the answers to all these questions soon enough, but for now, I'm barely holding it together.

I do, however, look forward to cooler weather, football, and fall holidays. By the way, who's going to invite us over for the first OU game of the season (it's Pay Per View, you know...)??? :)


Mel said...

I hear ya - summer was fun and fast!! I am looking forward to Football and Fall as well. I am nervous about getting back into the school/gymnastics schedule but I will feel better once it is here and rolling.

Jeana said...

I completely know how you feel...if you need someone to cry to CALL ME!! Aubree starts prek next week and I thought I was ok but last night as I was going to sleep I had all these thoughts of her during the first day, will she be ok? Will she make friends? (which she will, she's social), but I just have all this anxiousness about it...I hope I can drop her off without crying, sad, I know!
She asked me today, as she does everyday if today is the day she goes to school...so I think she's ready, but am I??? WHEW!!!
And the girl is only going for 2 1/2 hours...I feel your pain though!!!
We'll just have to pray for each other, BIG TIME!!