Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Little Payter Tot

The last couple of posts have been about Luke, so I felt the need to do a little something about Payt. He is getting so big and has an even bigger personality! He is constantly putting on "concerts" for us (see above) where he will sing anything from church songs to Alice Cooper... and it is never dull!
Payt started his new 3-year-old class at Mother's Day Out and is loving being with all his old buddies. He was looking particularly cute this moning, so I tried to take a picture, and of course he had to do the cheesy smile. :) I am so proud of all he is learning and doing and of his sweet spirit. I have taken to calling Payt "Huggy Bear," and he has been calling me "Kissy Bear." In the last week my in-laws have been here and he decided to start calling Grandma "Grammy Bear," and Grandpa was "Spanky Bear" (my personal favorite). Too cute.

On another note... Luke had his second gymnastics class tonight (see earlier post) and guess what??? He rang the bell!!!! He was the only one in his class to do it. He also did the rings tonight and was very impressive (in my unbiased opinion!). So much fun these two boys are!


Jessica said...

Dude, I've got this party coming up and I'm needing a band. Think Payt will play some U2 or Alice Cooper while Luke can play the cowbell?

Just let me know their open schedules and if they can fit me in...

Michelle said...

He is such a doll! Becca came home from school on Wednesday going on and on about playing with Payt. It was cute.

Love the new background!