Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Family Christmas

I hope you all had a great Christmas... we sure did! We celebrated Sunday with my parents, brother & sister & their families. Above is a pic of all the cousins. What a good-lookin' bunch!
Luke & Payt had a great time with their cousins- it was fun to watch them play together. I sure wish they could be together more often. They really enjoyed their time together, and surprisingly, stayed out of trouble!
I couldn't resist posting this picture of Buzz, Buzz, & Buzz. My mom got Luke and Eli Buzz Lightyear costumes from the Disney store, which they adorned instantly. They stood with Uncle Buzz and all did a little, "To infinity and beyond!"
Here Luke & Payt are on Christmas Eve just after reading The Night Before Christmas. They were worn out from a hard day of Guitar Hero and playing with the cousins!
Christmas morning was so much fun this year! Both boys really got into opening their presents and they spent ALL day playing with them! Blogger wouldn't let me post anymore pics on this post, but I'll put more up soon. I hope you all had as great a time as us...


Amy S. Grant said...

Love the pics, - looks like you had a great time together! Our girls really enjoyed lots of cousin time, too.

Tell Michelle hi for me, I'd love to catch up with her sometime.

chelle said...

Dude! Does Buzz (the original one) know you posted that picture? It was a blast!