Wednesday, April 30, 2008

100 Things

Okay, I'm going to cave and do my own "100 Things About Me" list. Here it goes:

1. I was born in Germany.
2. I am the youngest of three kids (1 bro, 1 sis)
3. I had naturally platinum blond hair as a child
4. I lived in Arkansas (twice)
5. I lived in Missouri
6. I lived in Alaska (for 5 years)
7. I lived in South Carolina
8. I lived in Florida
9. I lived in Georgia (for 2 weeks)
10. I lived in Colorado
11. I have lived in Oklahoma longer than anywhere else
12. Todd and I lived in New York City
13. I worked for the #1 Advertising Media Agency in the world
14. I have been skydiving
15. I was the editor of the yearbook in high school
16. I ran track in high school
17. I met Todd through life group at the Outreach Center
18. When Todd asked me to marry him, my reply was "You lied to me!"
19. My brother and I charged kids in Alaska to "teach" them how to play hockey
20. My house and belongings in Florida were destroyed by Hurricane Andrew
21. I've been through many earthquakes (slept through many)
22. I've been through tornados
23. I've been through volcano ruptures
24. My aunt was the editor-in-chief of the LA Times- now Director of Comm. for UCLA
25. My uncle in Alaska was the lead state investigator for Exxon Valdez oil spill
26. Another uncle works for Homeland Security
27. My dad was a Chief Master Seargent of security police in the Air Force
28. My brother is leaving for Baghdad, Iraq with the Reserves in the beginning of May
29. I used to want to be in the FBI
30. I have two awesome little boys
31. I love to go hiking
32. I love camping (yes, in a tent!)
33. I love all water sports
34. I rode in at least 4 bike-a-thons in elementary school (over 20 miles each)
35. I used to want to be an Olympic diver
36. In December, I will have been married for 10 years
37. I was an intern for Channel 5 News straight out of high school
38. I once cracked my ribs when I fell off a tracor my brother was driving
39. I've been to the emergency room more times than I care to admit
40. But I've never completely broken a bone
41. My children are just like me when it comes to injuries
42. I'm a shopaholic
43. I dated a guy who later had a bowling trophy as a hood ornament
44. I saw a guy I dated on the news once, going to jail
45. He was later acquitted
46. I've been in a house while it was being robbed (and no, I didn't have anything to do with it!)
47. My favorite color is blue
48. My favorite food is Chicken with Walnuts (I think Jenny would agree!)
49. My favorite drink is the Wallaby Darned at the Outback
50. Todd and I went to Hawaii for our honeymoon
51. I was the captain of my powder puff football team all four years of high school
52. I was voted most likely to win a brawl at the Outreach Center when I was in college
53. I gave up carbonated beverages yesterday (we'll see how long that lasts) Be strong, Jeremy!
54. I like to bowl
55. My favorite candy bar is 100 Grand
56. I am a total minivan-driving soccer mom
57. I love watching Luke's soccer games and I can't wait for Payt to play
58. Luke and I eat at Pei Wei almost every Wednesday for our special lunch together
59. Luke, Payt, and I eat at City Bites for lunch almost every Tuesday and/or Friday
60. I ate at an Indian resturant for the first time last week and liked it
61. I work at a church now doing communications/ graphic design
62. I love the people I work with
63. I wish I could run long distances
64. I like to scrapbook, though I'm WAY behind on the boys' books
65. I went to OU, got my BA in Journalism-Advertising
66. I took Master's courses before I decided to move off to NYC
67. I am fanatic about OU sports
68. I am addicted to Guitar Hero
69. I have more Bon Jovi songs on my iPod than any other artist
70. I know French
71. I love history
72. I am training to walk 60 miles in 3 days for the Breast Cancer walk in San Diego
73. I can't sing
74. My house is messy more often than clean
75. I like to paint (pictures and walls)
76. I ate lunch with Joe Castiglione today
77. I am addicted to powdered donettes
78. I don't like lemonade
79. I don't cry at movies (sorry, Rusty)
80. But Extreme Makeover Home Edition makes me cry
81. So I don't watch it
82. I could not live without dairy products
83. I love homemade salsa
84. I make lists for everything
85. Not closing cabinet doors all the way makes me mad
86. I played the clarinet for a few years- the same one my Dad played when he was a kid
87. I have been hit by a deer (I had the antler scratches to prove it)
88. A bird flew into my face while I was riding my bike on campus
89. I hate birds
90. I've been charged by a moose
91. I've been bitten by a snake
92. I've been stung by a man-o-war
93. I was certified to scuba dive in the Florida Keys
94. I went to see Steel Magnolias on my first date (yikes)
95. I've had frostbite on my face and feet
96. My sister dislocated my shoulder pulling me out of "hot lava" when I was 4 or 5
97. I tricked my brother into believing Ozzie Smith was his uncle when we were younger
98. The Cardinals are my favorite baseball team
99. I like road trips
100. I love God and my family more than anything.


Jenny said...

What a fun post Pam! I learned ALOT more about you and I thought I knew you so well. Mmmmm . . . chicken with walnuts & a Wallaby Darned to drink, my new favorite meal!

Jessi said...

Wow Pam! I think I read your whole list with my mouth hanging in awe! I had no idea you were such a traveler and well, outdoorsy! :) I like your list way better than mine!

Mel said...

Yea that was a great list. I learned a lot about you. Loved it.

Cary said...

I remember #88.

Jessica said...

Great list! I learned a lot.

You're just a regular traveler...I can't believe you've lived in so many places. So glad you ended up in Oklahoma for good!

Although, thanks for living in NYC for that brief moment in time. Still one of my favorite travels ever was staying on the floor of your apartment!

Michelle said...

Pam, I've known you for a long time and didn't know many of these things about you. You are one cool cat. But I want to hear more about Todd's proposal. That is funny!

Jeremy Kenney said...

#101 I gave up and had a diet DP after 48 hours ha we are so week!

Pam said...

Actually, G, I went about 84 hours without the diet dp. You must have cheated before the pact ended! And weak? I don't think so. I think we finally came to our senses and realized there was no reason to do it!!!

Gabe said...

75.....don't forget ceilings (Stacey says)

88...I remember this too. You said you were riding a bike with a big portfolio in one hand and it hit you right in the face. Poor bird.

Pam said...

Ahhh... the ceiling. I was talking about what I LIKE to paint. Come on!

I thin everybody who knew me then remembers the bird story and the big red mark on my face. In fact, i think Vicki took a pic. Hope that doesn't surface.