Sunday, April 13, 2008


It seems like just last weekend we took the training wheels off of Luke's bike and spent 10 minutes of useless instruction on riding without them. Wait, it was last weekend! A week went by without touching the bike again, then Saturday Luke just picked up his bike and off he went all by himself! I think my mouth dropped to the ground when I saw him do it! Matt, Sarah, Ryan & Baby Mason were at the house at the time and got to witness the first bike ride without training wheels. It was so much fun! I am so proud of my baby (big boy). I cannot believe how fast time seems to fly by. He's already asking me how old he has to be to drive a car!
Here's Todd giving Luke instruction last Saturday.

Here's Luke saying, "I don't need your instruction!" (Okay, so that's not verbatim)

Yeah, Luke!


Schwebbie said...

Congratulations, Luke! Next stop: road rash. Heh.

Mel said...

Awww that is so sweet, Luke is such a big boy !!! It happens so fast!!

Michelle said...

Way to go Luke! We have got to get Maddie out on her bike! Still on training wheels. Probably will be until she's 10. We just don't have anywhere to ride. Can we come to your house? Maybe Luke can teach her.