Friday, November 14, 2008

Religion, Three-Year-Old Style

Sometimes it's easy to forget that our children are little sponges, but I often get reminders that they hear and absorb everything, including what they are learning in Bible class. Today in the car, Payt told me that some of his friends don't know God. So, he says that he tells them every day, "Listen to God, friends!" Is that sweet, or what? Then, not two hours later, we are in the car again and Payt starts burping repeatedly. I ask him to stop, to which he replies, "Jesus likes it when I burp." Followed by, "Jesus burps, too. I've heard him." Me: "And when did you hear Jesus burp?" Payt: "In heaven. I was there, and I heard him." Likely story. But how can you get on to the kid when Jesus does it, too? Smart little thing, that Payt.