Saturday, February 23, 2008

He's An Animal

As you might recall, my hubby Todd ran his first half-marathon the weekend before Thanksgiving. He did great- his time was 1:54:something. Well, today Todd ran his second half-marathon. This time his time was 1:39:30!!! I only wish I could run half that far in that time! :)

Now we're looking forward to his first full marathon in April. I'm excited... then again, I'm not the one running 26 miles. Go, Todd!


Rusty said...

Todd, you rock! I couldn't believe your time when Pam called to tell us. Amazing! Keep running.

Jeremy Kenney said...

Pretty sure I may be able to run 1 mile in that time

Jessi said...

Wow! Go Todd!!!

Michelle said...

Todd has inspired Russ. We went and got him new running shoes from the OK Runner Todd told Russ about. He has started (slowly) running and is amazed how the right shoes can help everything from your feet, ankles, knees and back. His goal is to start small- He wants to run the 5K in the breast cancer run in October. A ways off, but he thinks it will take him that long to get there. But I'm really proud of him for wanting this. And we have Todd to thank for it! Way to go Todd! You're an inspiration! :)

John said...

If you need me to trail behind him in a car for something...give me a call!

Mel said...

that is great. i am just working on walking right now hehehe - but yea for Todd. So what brand of shoes does Todd wear?