Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Rock Star Birthday

Today we had a party to celebrate Luke's 5th and Payt's 3rd birthday. The theme, you ask? Rock Star, of course! The boys were decked out in their Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin shirts respectively, and green spikey hair. Their friends all came dressed as rock stars, too... they were hilarious! When I get a chance, I have a "Mosh Pit" video to post of them all dancing. Too funny!
Payt, the natural Rocker.

I think Luke should keep this look. The chicks dig it.

Wild and crazy fun with a game of "Freeze Dance!"

We had a great time and were blessed to have good friends to share this special time with. A few were missing from sickness and bad weather, but all in all, it was a great time. I love these kids!


Michelle said...

You are the coolest mom on this planet!!

Amy S. Grant said...

Happy Birthday to da boyz!

Mel said...

They look like they had a blast, sounded like a great party.

John said...

I don't care what you say, any kid who wears Hendrix or Zepplin is a COOL KID!!!