Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ummmm... OUCH!

Saturday morning Jennifer and I went for a 10 mile walk as part of our training for the Breast Cancer 3-Day. I felt great the whole time, but as soon as we stopped and then started our walk to the car, my foot screamed in pain (okay, so feet can't really scream, but if they could, mine would have). I spent the next few days doing everything I could to avoid walking on the outside of my foot. Good friends (thanks Jenny!) persuaded me to go to the doctor So, even though I thought it was becoming more bearable today, I went to see the doc. I left an hour and a half and 10 shots later. Yes, that's right. 10 [TEN] SHOTS LATER. It appears, in the words of my doc, that my foot is "all kinds of messed up." There is something wrong with the tendon on the outside of my foot, the nerves are messed up and apparently I have the foot equivalent of carpel tunnel syndrome (thanks, dad, your advice to stop typing with my feet was extremely valuable). So.... now I am wearing a "fracture shoe" even though I have no breaks ot factures, I have to take it easy and walk with the silly shoe for a couple of weeks until I go back. Hopefully then I will be able to get rid of said shoe and resume training (albeit at a slower pace). With luck, I'll be just fine come time for the big event in mid-November. Whew. That was a lot to type. TMI???


Mel said...

Wow - 10 shots - I just saw your comment on Facebook, so I jumped right over to your Blog to see if I could get the latest info. hehee I hope it is feeling better.

Lori said...

Ouch is right!! You and Odra will make quite a pair at the office! Heal fast!!!

Jenny said...

Poor Pam! I cannot believe you waited so long to go to the doctor, but glad to hear you are on the road to feeling better.

Jessica said...

So, will you still be coming to RFC this weekend?

I hope it gets better before San Diego!

not so zen momma said...

Not TMI. I'll ask Derek if there are any physical therapy exercises/tips he can recommend for you!

Pam said...

Yes, I will be at the RFC Saturday. Not sure what I'm going to do there... but I'll at least be there!

And Jenny... what more do you want from me??? I started hurting Saturday... I called the foot doc Monday for an appt. Not much more I could have done!!! Easy! ;)

Brooke- thanks! I must be able to do the walk in mid-November!!!

Michelle said...

That sucks. Take it easy until November. Call Heather, she can give you all kinds of tips on therapy for your feet.

Jenny said...

UGH! and OUCH!x10 I dislike shots and I sure hope you heal quickly. Please take care of yourself! (Sorry I'm so behind....haven't been reading blogs lately)